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About Us

Phonography Austin is dedicated to exploring phonography (the creation and presentation of field recordings as art objects) and acoustic ecology (the study of the effects of the acoustic environment on those living within it).

We are a non-hierarchical collective open to all those who have an interest in sound and making field recordings. We are open to all backgrounds of field recordists and levels of experience.

No field recording equipment? Try recording with a cellphone, a cassette recorder, or an old dictaphone. Listen and repeat.

Join Us

Field recordists of all backgrounds and abilities are invited to attend our monthly meetings and events. There is no formal membership and anyone is free to propose a field recording activity or event for the collective to work together on.

At our monthly meetings, we may: Monthly Meetings
When: First Wednesdays
Where: Tweedy's Bar, 2908 Fruth St, Austin, TX 78705
*Currently we publish meeting reminders or news of a cancellation on our Instagram account.

Stay In Touch
Receive news of Phonography Austin events, meetings, proposed ideas, and, occasionally, articles on field recordings by signing up for the Phonography Austin Google Group. By joining you can send an email to the group and receives updates and info from others on the list. This is how we stay in touch between our monthly meetings.

Phonography Austin Google Group – Click here to join